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Block 0 -by Satoshi

The Dirac Equation
In 1928, Paul Dirac (later Nobel Prize in Physics in ’33) still a student of St John’s college in Cambridge formulated his equation made up of symbols and numbers.
(i∂̸ – m) ψ = 0
Where mass (m) has a negative sign, the derivative (∂) is cut off and an imaginary quantity (i) must be added as the first term. Each single symbol has a precise meaning, and it is this that allowed Dirac to enclose a system of four equations in a single formula.
His theory combines quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of very small objects, and Einstein’s theory of relativity, which describes the behavior of fast-moving objects.
In practice, the equation thus explains how microscopic particles such as electrons behave when traveling near the speed of light, introducing both the electron’s spin and its magnetism at the same time.
The second mistake is that quantum entanglement only makes sense for microscopic systems. If a zero-charged particle decays producing two batteries of opposite charge, each of the two particles has no determined charge until someone measures it, therefore it is impossible first to determine the influence of one on the other.