Mission Statement
We support innovation and
catalytic R&D in space tech &
exploration, abundant clean energy & nuclear fusion. We use
blockchain coordination tools
to support #OpenScience, #DeSci, data integrity and Intellectual Property sovereignty. We support alternative funding methods and sources for scientific research w/
the end goal of IP commercialization
for innovators.
#FrontierDAO #Space #Fusion #Engineering #Impact #science #CleanEnergy #humancentric
#DeSci #FAIRdata #STEM
#OpenScience #AI #blockchain
Bringing Fusion Power To The People..
And The People To Fusion Power.

We're a collective with a mission to fund research and innovation in science, fusion energy, engineering and space exploration. Our core values are to democratize scientific research and spread the potential wealth accrued from commercialization of promising technologies among our community members in a broad, inclusive manner.
Unlocking scientific innovation and research through IP NFTs, decentralized coordination and the ownership economy. The DAO co-operatively supports and pursues scientific exploration on
Earth & throughout the universe.
Level 1 = 100 $FUZN + 900 $FUZN Earned/Accrued
Level 2 = 200 $FUZN + 800 $FUZN Earned/Accrued
Discord Access
Access to the member discord. We are organized by Guilds which are devoted to DAO focus areas. So if fusion Energy is your thing, jump into that guild for robust discussions and community. If space exploration is more your area of interest/ expertise, that is the guild for you. You'll find like-minded members, innovators and leaders in each Guild.
Status Updates
Updates on our #DeSci projects; The opportunity to get involved when needed/ wanted.
AMAs w/ our brain trust.
Frequent Ask-Me-Anything or various Q&A events with leaders in the community and the wider science/engineering diaspora.
Events & Merch
Preferred access and discounted rates on community events, merchandise, and other perks
One member, One Vote.
Developing Countries/ Financial Hardship >> Work Contribution Exchange
If you are from a developing country, unemployed or otherwise experiencing financial hardship, we can offer a reduced rate for the Basic Membership. It's a combination of membership dues and work-exchange. For work exchange we ask that you contribute for 3 months minimum Part-Time (about 120 Hours). In addition you will be expected to maintain your status by ongoing 'reputation' management, contributions to the community and participation.
W/ fully earned/paid membership you are issued a NFT token that allows you to vote in DAO governance. This NFT is re-issued annually upon membership renewal and good standing.
5000 $FUZN
All Member Perks +
Advocates in FrontierDAO have the ability to contribute to the direction and voice of this community.
Benefits include:
Leadership Access
Advocates will be invited to monthly virtual (and occasional IRL) meetings with special guests, partner organizations, and thought leaders in our verticals to stay informed on breakthroughs and trending developments in our focus areas of fusion, space, blockchain, AI and climate.
VIP Event Access
Advocate-level members will have free access to exclusive in-person and virtual events FrontierDAO hosts.
Mentorship: You may opt-in to our mentoring program. Mentorships are for early career researchers, entrepreneurs, startups.
All Advocates will receive exclusive merch periodially and when co-ordinated with our partner orgnaizations. Mailing address may be required. Additionally future AirDrops randomly announced.
Website Recognition
Advocates can opt to have their names (or aliases) on FrontierDAO website as Steering Members.
In addition you will be expected to maintain your status by ongoing 'reputation' management via contributions to the community and participation.
W/ fully earned/paid membership you are issued a NFT token that allows you to vote in DAO governance. This NFT is re-issued annually upon membership renewal and good standing.
100K $FUZN
All Member & Advocate Perks +
These are core steward members of FrontierDAO, joining an exclusive group of invite-only thought leaders and champions of #OpenScience looking to put major resources to work for the public good. The goal is to catalyze and commercialize high-impact scientific and engineering innovations to create a clean energy world here on Earth and off-world.
Click below to request a membership / consultation.
Benefits include:
One-on-one access to FrontierDAO Core Team. Meaningful input and co-creation of FrontierDAO and its ecosystem.
Stewards will become part of a group of leaders inour innovation ecosystem, interacting directly with changemakers in the DAO ecosystem, scientific & engineering, and partnership communities.
VIP Privileged Access Group Meetings
Thought leader group meetings with science, engineering, blockchain, policy and tech/STEM innovation visionaries, to get involved in shaping advocacy efforts to cultivate the economic opportunities that commercial-ization of promising technologies bring.
Curated Steward Network
Join a curated group of influencers and thought leaders in the science, space, fusion energy, clean energy, AI, blockchain and engineering fields with an aligned mission of building a clean, super abundant energy future with a massive potential upside for all Members and humanity at large. We are guided by humancentric approaches to technology and technological implementation.
Limited Number of memberships available.
Expenditure: 70% to accelerating/funding of promising science, engineering, clean energy and emerging technology startups i.e. 'public goods.' 20% to DAO Operations, Community Engagement, Ecosystem Development & Education and Marketing.
10% to DevOps including cybersecurity maintenance.
*We accept BITCOIN, USDC, SOLANA, ETH, DAI, ADA, XLM, XRP for $FUZN staking for memberships.Havea other alt coins for staking? Contact us!
What's Expected of You As A Member: A consistent level of participation in the community and governance to help steer FrontierDAO's community engagement , project focus and fiscal allocation is desired.
To fully qualify for governance rights, you must be a member in good standing and a holder of a FrontierDAO SBT.
The genesis SBT collection, FUZN Punks, can be found here.

How To Get Involved
1. Please see membership tiers above and here. Also, get involved by contributing your skills & talents: Connect with us on Discord or LinkedIn. If time/talent/skills are your primary assets to contribute, tell us how the DAO can best use your contributions (most skill sets welcomed). Find the Introduce Yourself doc in our Discord welcome channel. It's a short application to apply as a DAO contributor. Or introduce yourself on our LinkedIN Showcase page. We're a friendly bunch and we love welcoming new (and old) friends w/ aligned values and willingness to make an impact. You can also fill out this short form (2 minutes) HERE.
2. Are you a company, entrepreneur &/or in STEM research or other sciences?
Join the DAO as a member. Click the appropriate box above or see paragraph above about joining as a contributor. We'd love to explore how we can collaborate with you!
DAO members qualify for DAO benefits and perks.
3. Have a research project in mind? Join the DAO and submit a proposal for funding. The member community votes and decides collectively.
4. Collect our NFTs. NFT holders qualify for DAO membership with voting/governance privileges. It also helps to endow our virtual museum. Collect or earn our social token (coming). See our We Philosophy on our About Page to understand how our NFTs help the sharing economy and promote the Ownership Economy.
5. Visit our Outer Space Virtual Museum and Events Space. Join the Museum Guild on our Discord channel to propose exhibits and host events.
6. Help fund innovators and further scientific research and engineering innovation by voting on the distribution of DAO Treasury proceeds when you become a member.
7. Are you a creator/artist? Reach out to us about your work. We'd love to explore collaboration with you and help walk you through how to transform your work into non-fungible digital assets (NFTs). Artists are entitled to sales and royalties. We can do the smart contracts for you, or help you do them yourself and use us simply as a gallery and art collector community liaison.
8. Make a positive impact on this world and off-world.
Be a part of #FrontierDAO #innovation #OpenScience
#DeSci #SocialImpact #PublicGoods

FrontierDAO is a
co-operative collective of
scientists, engineers,
science advocates and STEM enthusiasts whose core mission is scientific research and innovation. Community members have a
voice and exercise governance. We're not
top-down but rather community
led. Our DAO is governed by 'smart contracts'. We're a mission focused collective where every voice
matters, every voice counts.
Anyone can apply to join.